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Purpose of consultation


  • Staffordshire County Council (SCC) is responsible for ensuring that there are sufficient school places for all pupils. SCC have been discussing with Riverview Primary and Nursery School and Fountains Primary school in Burton how the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in the East Staffordshire area can be met.
  • There is an increased demand for places for children with SEND in the area.
  • SCC want to ensure that children with SEND receive the education they need. The proposal is to develop a SEN Resource Base at Riverview Primary and Nursery School.   
  • The County Council and the Governing Body of Riverview Primary and Nursery School want to hear the views of parents, local families, local community, school staff, governors, local schools and other bodies on the proposal to:
    • Develop a SEN Resource Base at Riverview Primary and Nursery School
  • It is important that you make your views known by Friday 28 June 2024


Why is a SEN resource base needed?


  • The County Council is committed to providing the best possible start for all children and this includes children with SEND and additional needs.
  • Staffordshire SEND Strategy 2021-26 outlines the intention that children will be given the opportunity to be educated close to home, in their local mainstream education setting whenever it can meet their needs. This will enable children to develop friendships in their local community and promote independence
  • Fountains Primary School is the only special primary school in the area and does not have any additional capacity to meet the needs of all children in the area requiring some specialist provision.
  • Riverview Primary and Nursery School and Fountains Primary school have been working in partnership to develop an approach to meeting the needs of children in the area who require specialist provision.




