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Our Topic this term is, 'Down In The Garden'.  We are going to finding out about insects and plants that live in the garden! 


Phunky Food Visit 


To launch our new topic 'Down In The Garden', we had a special visit from Phunky Foods exploring different fruit and vegetables. 

Firstly, we listened to the story 'Handa's Surprise' and used our senses to explore the fruit featured in the book, including mangos, papayas, oranges, pineapples and many more! 

We then enjoyed participating in different activities, dressing up as fruits and vegetables, playing games, creating a fruit rainbow to display as well as making our own edible fruit rainbows, which were very tasty! 

This week we have been using our senses to think about what we might find in the garden. We listened to see what we could hear in the garden and thought about what we could see, touch and smell sharing our ideas. We then discussed what we enjoyed doing in the garden and designed our own garden maps.

During our topic this week we have been learning all about the celebration of Chinese New Year. We began by watching a video to find out information about the celebration. This included finding out about the foods that are eaten, what gifts are given and how it is celebrated. 

Following on from this, we each created our own Chinese lanterns. 

During topic this week, we have been thinking about plants and how they grow. We began by discussing what a plant needs to grow and then watched a video about this. 

We then all planted a seed! We are excited to observe the changes over the next few weeks and watch them grow! 
