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“I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.” – Anne Frank



Do you love to write? Well the pupils here at River View absolutely love writing and are so very proud of their work.


"I love writing because when you write really well it can help you to imagine being in a fictional place. I love writing so I can transport others to these magical places." - Y5 Pupil


Here at River View in Writing, we aim for each child to have a positive attitude towards writing and to see themselves as a confident and successful writers. To do this we help them to apply their knowledge of phonics and spelling, be exposed to and have the opportunity to write in a range of genres and to write clearly, accurately and effectively for a range of audiences and purposes. Every child's writing should be grammatically correct, using appropriate age related punctuation. Y2-Y6 started the year with half a term focussing on punctuation and grammar using the 'Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar'  (PVPG)' Scheme from Grammarsaurus.  We are now applying and embedding these skills within our writing units. The children are encouraged to apply their Grammarsaurus knowledge when drafting and editing their  writing.  Y1 are excited to start their PVPG units in Spring 2. As a school we are always trying to promote handwriting. All of our pupils need to write in a neat, legible and for KS2 pupils a cursive handwriting style. Children are awarded star writer certificates and pen licences to celebrate their handwriting.


Here is a picture from our Grammarsaurus training in September.






Writing Days - Shakespeare - June 2024


On Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th June, a company called 'West End in Schools' came to work with the children from Years 1 to 6 in order to help us put on a performance of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. It was such a wonderful experience for all the children and there are defintely some budding actors and actresses here at River View!


Alongside performing, children also procuded poetry using the play as a stimulus and these can be seen on individual class webpages. 

Themed Week, September 2023 - The Ugly Five

To kick start the year, we had a themed week centered around the book 'The Ugly Five'. This book is a wonderful celebration… of all things UGLY! The book teaches readers to appreciate people of all backgrounds, through the medium of African animals. We all loved learning about Africa and the ugly five. It also linked to our Richer values very well!

All year groups were given a genre focus for the children's writing outcome. These were based on objectives from previous English lessons in order to build on prior learning. The children were really able to throw themselves into the topic as it encompassed all aspects of the curriculum including art, music, PSHE, DT, geography and dance workshops. What a wonderful start to the new school year!


At River View Primary School, our intent for writing is to develop confident, articulate, and independent writers who can communicate effectively and appropriately for a range of purposes and audiences. We believe that developing a solid understanding of the writing process will enable our pupils to craft engaging and well-structured pieces of writing that demonstrate a range of grammatical structures and language features. Our aim is to ignite pupils' creativity and passion for writing, giving them the tools to express themselves fluently, accurately and imaginatively in writing. This is why I invited a special visitor to our school on Thursday 25th May to inspire the children on their writing day which was themed around ’Giants’
Paul Sturgess (seen here with one of our Nursery pupils) is officially Britain's tallest man and the worlds tallest basketball player at 7ft 7inches tall. He speaks passionately about his differences and how his unique qualities have enabled him to live a very privileged life. He was awarded a full basketball scholarship in America, allowing him to gain his degree whilst playing the sport he loved. He then went on to travel the world playing basketball for the Harlem Globetrotters. Since retiring from professional sport, he has starred in many films and tv productions; Dr Who, Fantastic Beasts, Avatar 1 and 2, Lord of the Rings and is currently filming a new Marvel film—Deadpool. Following a whole school assembly, the children all attended a basketball workshop led by Paul. He then arranged a whole school photo and a question and answer session at the end of the day.
Throughout the day, children were encouraged to produce a piece of writing based on the theme of ‘Giants’. Throughout the school, our children produced a range of wonderful writing,
including: poems, biographies, short stories, character descriptions and many more.






When my teacher says "Today children we are going to write" I think YES! My head fills with ideas and I can't wait to start.  (Year 5 pupil)


In English I always think that today I am going to SMASH it! I am desperate to get my pen licence so I am trying REALLY hard to form and join my letters correctly all of the time. (Year 4 pupil)


I like writing because it makes my brain bigger. You have to start your sentences with capital letters - every time! (Year 1 pupil)


I love writing. Good writing in Year Six should have a wide variety of punctuation including dashes, brackets and commas to show parenthesis. It should also have semi colons, colons and hyphens. It should include the Y6 expectations and should contain the features for whatever style of writing we produce. We have been working on personification, subjunctive mood and passive verbs to write good descriptions based on the book The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde. (Year 6 pupil)



We are proud of our writing

Still image for this video


We are proud of our work and love to display it around school



At Riverview, we continue to develop our love for writing and now are proud to celebrate our 'Star Writers' from each year group. Children earn these awards in a number of different ways so make sure you go and see what they've achieved! You'll find this on each classes' page.

