Welcome to Year 2
We are made up of two classes, Poppies and Lilacs. In Poppies, we have 26 children and our class teacher is Mrs Campion and supporting us with our learning is also Mrs Gilbert-Gallagher and Miss Woods. In Lilacs we have 26 children and our class teacher is Miss Lomas and supporting us with our learning also is Mrs Butler.
This is our Year 2 Autumn timetable.
As you can see, we now have a week A and week B timetable.
Year 2 have Commando Joe's every Tuesday. Please make sure your child always has their P.E. kit in school - we do remind children to take them home at the end of every half-term so they can be washed. Children need black shorts, a white t-shirt, jogging bottoms, pumps, and old trainers for outside lessons. Please write your child’s name in all items of clothing. Please can you make sure earings are removed on P.E days.
They will have Forest School on a Week A, on a Friday. Please refer to the Forest School letter for further information.
Your child will find their Dyanamite Dojo Project sheet on Google Classroom and below. Once your child has completed a challenge, they are to upload a picture or document to their Google Classroom assignment in order for dojos to be awarded. Homework will be updated half termly.
Our current topic is London's Burning. We will be learning about the historical events of The Great Fire of London and discussing the impact it had. We will be discussing how London has changed over time and exploring famous London landmarks.
Please follow the links below to see some of our learning.
Pre-teach vocabulary
Richer Champions!
Star writers
We are following the Maths No Problem education programme.
Exciting learning opportunities
Good to be Green
At River View, we follow the good to be green system. All children enter the day on green. Children who listen and follow the classroom/school rules and values, stay on green. If children do not, the following applies:
First warning and a reminder.
Stop & think card is issued.
Yellow card is issued.
Red card is issued.
At any time, if behaviour stops then they return to green.
Adults model positive behaviours at all times and children are expected to take responsibility for their behaviour, as well as accept the consequences of certain behaviours. Individual staff use praise and positive talk with children, so that there is a positive ‘can do’ culture and children feel that they are valued.
Online safety
Useful website