Home Page

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 class page, where you will find lots of relevant information about everything we do at school. 


Mrs Mansbridge is the class teacher in Orchids class and Mrs Maymand is the class teacher in Tulips class.




Year 3 have PE every Thursday. Please make sure your child always has their P.E. kit in school - we do remind children to take them home at the end of every half-term so they can be washed. Children need black shorts, a white t-shirt, jogging bottoms, pumps, and old trainers for outside lessons. Please write your child’s name in all items of clothing.



Please find this half term's Homework Project below which links to our 'I Wonder' topic: 'Extreme Survival'. Your child has been assigned this on Google Classroom - please upload photo or documents to show what they have done.

Year 3 Stars!


At River View, we love to celebrate our achievements! Every Friday, we attend a celebration assembly in order to find out if we have been a lucky winner! Look below to see the Star

Writer, Maths Superheroes, Richer Champions and Reading Ninjas within our year group. 



Current Topic

Transition Day Art. We used research and images to inspire us with our clay work. We moulded, shaped, rolled and used tools to make patterns on out clay of carousel animals. We had a fantastic day

Today we had a workshop with Creation Station. We have contributed to a Guinness World Record attempt. We used a variety of materials to create a collage of a face. Take a look at our fantastic results

Fizz pop science and transport workshop. We had an amazing time investigating forces and how they help transport move. We used forces to make a ping pong ball float, saw a hot air balloon inflate, had a go on a hover board and investigated rockets. We had so much fun!

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We came to school dressed as rock stars!

We having been discussing self esteem and the positive impact we can have on others self esteem. We made envelopes and wrote positive messages for our friends to put inside to give to them.

We have been thinking about ourselves and others. We discussed how we can be superheroes to each other. We designed our own pop art to represent something important to us, our heroes or ourselves.


May Day

On Friday 3rd May, the children brought their May poles into school. In the afternoon, we went on a parade around the village. We sang songs and some of us played instruments to celebrate May Day.

World Book Day

Year 3 dressed up as characters from Dr Seuss books!

We read ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan

We asked questions about the book, based on the front cover and title

Workshop - bottle top collecting at the beach

We designed our own bottle top

Ancient Egyptians

Exploring chronological order

As part of our Safer Internet Day we have learnt the dangers of being online, how to keep ourselves safe online and what we can do to protect our information and digital footprints. We learnt how what we do online creates a digital footprint, how we can protect ourselves and we made online safety videos to help other people access the internet safely.

Online safety videos

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Mental Health Week - creating art to represent a happy mind



In our science topic this half term, we are learning all about keeping healthy. We will be looking at physical activity and what we eat and drink and the impact this has on our bodies. 


Year 3 are very lucky as we are one of only two year groups who have an extra singing lesson every week (on top of our usual singing assembly)! Mr Robinson is an opera singer and he comes into school every Tuesday to teach us singing skills.


Exploring scales with instruments

Singing as a round

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Previous Topics

Here you will find our learning from previous terms.

‘Extreme Survival’

During the Autumn term, our topic will be 'Extreme Survival'. We will be taking part in Forest school sessions and learning all about explorers and how our bodies adapt to extreme conditions.  


Anti-bullying Week

During the week commencing 13th November, we did lots of activities towards Anti-bullying Week. The theme this year was ‘Make a noise about bullying!’ We wore odd socks to school on Monday because it was ‘Odd Sock Day’ where we celebrate how we are all unique but that we all have a right to be treated equally. On Friday, we discussed cyberbullying/online bullying and how to stay safe online.

‘Make a Noise’ song - Andy and the Odd Socks

‘The Ugly Five’
On our transition days in July and during our theme weeks in the first two weeks of the Autumn term, we did lots of our learning based on the book ‘The Ugly Five’ by Julia Donaldson.

Good To Be Green

At River View, we follow the 'Good to be Green' system. All children begin the day on green. Children who listen and follow the classroom/school rules and values, stay on green. If children do not, the following applies:

  • First warning and a reminder 
  • Stop & think card is issued
  • Yellow card is issued
  • Red card is issued 

If a 'stop and think' or yellow card is issued, children have ten minutes to correct their behaviour in order to return to green. Restorative conversations will take place if a red card is issued; parents will be notified of red cards either in person/ qctelephone call and a copy of the restorative conversation will be emailed home on the day that the card was issued.


Please consult our behaviour policy in the first instance should you have any further questions



Online Safety

We take online safety incredibly seriously here at River View and throughout the year, educate the children about the importance of staying safe online and how to do it. 

Here are some websites you may like to look at and discuss with your child.




