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Autumn Term

Our topic this term is, ‘Day and Night’. We are going to be learning all about routines of the day, animals that only come out at night and the sun and the moon. In September, we like to spend the first couple of weeks getting to know the children, finding out their interests and their strengths. It is an important time for children as they get to know their new classroom, teachers, peers and our rules and routines.


Check back over the Autumn term to see what we have been exploring in our topic. 

Exploring the provision 

Topic w/b 23rd September 

During our first topic session, we explored our day and night routines. We had to sort pictures out and decide whether we do those things in the morning or at night. As we sorted the pictures we had lots of discussions around why we do those things at those times. 

Topic w/b 30th September 


This week in our topic sessions we have practiced our cutting skills. 

First we practised making small snips in the paper. If we were confident in creating the snips we began to create a sun. We cut out a circle sun template and we then stuck the rays onto the edges. After cutting out the sun and sticking the rays on, we then coloured in the sun to finish it off. 

We all tried really hard using the scissors, showing resilience when we found it hard! 

Topic w/b 7th October 


This week in our topic sessions, we have been exploring nocturnal animals. We first watched a video to find out what different types of nocturnal animals there are. Once we had watched the video, we then sorted animal pictures into nocturnal and not nocturnal animals. 

We had lots of fun finding out about and sorting nocturnal animals. 

Topic- w/b 14th October 


During our topic sessions this week we have been exploring repeating patterns. We first worked with an adult to create a repeating pattern so we could see what one looked like. We then finished our own repeating patterns independently using the pictures that were part of the pattern. 

Topic w/b 21st October 


This week in our topic sessions we have been exploring the celebration of Diwali. During our half term holiday, the celebration of Diwali will be taking place. 

First we watched a video and talked all about Diwali so that we could find out more about what happens.

After watching the video, we all created our own Mehndi designs on hand templates using pens. 

Have a look at the pictures to see our fantastic Mehndi designs!

Topic w/b 4th November 


During our topic sessions this week we have been thinking about Bonfire Night. 

First we talked about Bonfire Night and what happens. We discussed whether we had seen fireworks before, if they are loud or quiet, if we see fireworks in the day or the night and if we saw a bonfire. 

After talking about Bonfire Night, we used cupcake cases to create a firework picture. We made little snips in the cupcake cases to create a firework effect. We then stuck them onto black card to create a Bonfire Night picture. 

Have a look at the pictures to see our fantastic firework displays!

Topic w/b 11th November 


During our topic sessions this week we have been learning all about healthy and unhealthy foods. 
First we had to sort different healthy and unhealthy foods. We could only fill teddies lunchbox with healthy foods. 
After sorting out the healthy and unhealthy foods, we then created our own healthy snacks. We cut up strawberries and bananas and added them to a skewer to create a rocket! 
Have a look at the pictures to see our healthy rocket skewers!
