Welcome to Nursery
Our Nursery consists of part time and full time children.
Mrs Bennet is our Nursery class teacher and she is also our Nursery Manager.
We also have Miss Savage, Miss Flook and Miss Scott who help support in Nursery.
In Nursery we provide lots of opportunities for the children to build their confidence and self-awareness, and also to manage their feelings and behaviour. Communication is a key area of your child's learning in nursery. They will spend lots of time sharing rhymes, songs, stories and playing games to develop their speaking and listening skills.
Below you will find our current timetable for the week.
Class Code
Our Class Charter and our RICHER values are very important to us in Nursery.
We have worked together to set out our classroom rules and we remind each other of them daily to ensure that we have a happy and caring classroom!
Our Experiences
Below you will find photos of our experiences throughout the year, from special days to theme weeks to educational visits! Check back throughout the year to see what we have been up to!
You should of received an email invite to our online learning log, 'Tapestry'. Here we share photos of your child's learning journey through Nursery and we share information for parents too. We encourage you to 'like' or comment on your child's content and we welcome you to share observations of your child too. We love to see the adventures they go on and the activities they enjoy at home! If you have not received an invite, please inform your child's class teacher who will help you access the platform. Thank you.
Every half term your child will receive a copy of their Homework Projects. These home learning activities are linked to our topics.
You will be given a paper copy and you will also be able to find a copy of this homework on Tapestry.
Once your child has completed a homework challenge, you can upload a picture or video onto Tapestry.
Online Safety
Online safety is an important aspect of everyday life. Throughout the year, we take opportunities to educate children on the importance of online safety.
Useful Links for Home
In the Summer term before your child starts Reception, they will start to participate in a daily phonics session. They will begin to learn their Set 1 sounds to help get them ready for Reception.
At River View we follow a phonics scheme called 'Read, Write, Inc', sometimes you may see this shortened to 'RWI'. Please find some useful videos below which will help you understand the programme.