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Project Friday

Project Friday for Summer 2 is Commando Joe's

In Project Friday this half term, we will be taking inspiration from adventurer Levison Wood. He is known for his skill and expertise in the wild. Wood has survived the harshest of conditions, in almost every continent on Earth. During this topic, we will undertake a Levison Wood style survival mission based in the Himalayan region of Jammu. We will face deadly creatures, the threat of dehydration and starvation as well as some seriously powerful forces of nature! 

'You are what you eat'

This week we developed our teamwork and communication skills. We received a radio message alerting us that a food drop had been made nearby. We needed to collect as much food as possible before it perished and weather conditions worsened!

“Always Go With The Flow”

We received another message stating that the survival mission is proving successful, and food and water supplies are lasting. In order to complete the next part of their mission, teams must cross a raging river. The waters are too treacherous to use stepping stones, building a safe bridge is the only option.

“Natural Disaster is Unavoidable”

This week the children worked together in teams to construct safe and secure shelters. The aim was to construct shelters which are wind and water proof. Some of us were more successful than others, and we learnt all about the importance of teamwork. 

For this half term our Project Friday topic is 'Where do we live?'

Today we learnt all about grid references on Ordnance Survey Maps and how we can use grid references to help us locate features on a map by narrowing our search area. To apply our learning we played a game of 'Find and Sink My Battleship'. 
After, we moved on to learning the 8 directions on a compass and used this to direct our partners around a map. 

Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about different moving card mechanisms. We certainly used our resilience when things got tough. Take a look at our slider and pop up mechanisms. 

Our Project Friday focus for this half term is Design and Technology. This week we focused on cookery and how to safely make scrambled eggs on toast. We all had a go at cracking and mixing our own eggs and as well as toasting and buttering our bread.

It’s that time of year again! We’re designing and making our Christmas decorations. We looked at some examples and discussed whether they are fit for purpose and then we designed our own. We will keep you posted as to how they turn out!

Autumn 2 music. This half term we are learning a song called “this little light of mine”, an old classic. We have been listening to different versions of the song and creating some movements to go with the song.

Today we designed our personal coat of arms and then practised our sewing techniques. We used the felt to cut out our designs and then we began to sew our pieces on.

Today we have been designing coats-of-arms for Burton on Trent and for our school! Can you work out what the images represent?

This week, we have been researching 'Coats of Arms' as well as things that are important to Burton's heritage. We then created our own coat of arms for Burton and for River View School.

We have been looking at medieval banners and pennants today. We are going to be designing and making our very own pennant using textiles so we need to know what they were used for back in Medieval times.
