Home Page

Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 class page!


Miss Bodenham is the class teacher in Snowdrops class and Miss Lester is the teacher in Bluebells class.

Miss Bodenham

Miss Brett, Miss Dallimore and Mrs Farmer support in Snowdrops class and Mrs Jessop- Braithwaite supports in Bluebells class.


Here are the timetables for Autumn term, we have a week a and week b timetable. 

Please note that your child has PE on a Monday on week a and on a Friday on week b. Please ensure that your child has a PE kit to keep in school, we will send it home to be washed each half term. Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled with your child's name to avoid items being lost. Thank you.




We are following the Maths No Problem education programme in maths this year. 



Our current topic is 'Poles Apart’ where we will be learning lots about Geography. We are excited to start our learning and look forward to showing off what we get up to!


Keep checking back for photos!


Exciting Learning Opportunities

Our Champions!


Your child will find their Homework Project sheet below. Once your child has completed a challenge, they are to upload a picture or document to their google classroom assignment.


Online Safety

We take online safety incredibly seriously here at River View and throughout the year, educate the children about the importance of staying safe online and how to do it. 

Here are some websites you may like to look at and discuss with your child.

Good to be Green

At River View, we follow the good to be green system. All children enter the day on green. Children who listen and follow the classroom/school rules and values, stay on green. If children do not, the following applies:

  • First warning and a reminder. 
  • Stop & think card is issued.
  • Yellow card is issued. 
  • Red card is issued. 

At any time, if behaviour stops then they return to green. 

How to say the sounds

Uploaded by Ruth Miskin Training on 2023-02-09.

Relevant Internet Links

Google Classroom

TT Rockstars


