Welcome to Year 5!
Welcome to the Year 5 class page. Mrs Shelton-Smith and Miss Auger are the class teachers in Fuchsias class and Mrs Panakova-Smyth is the class teacher in Sunflowers class. We are extremely lucky to have Miss Harvey and Mrs Pallett working with us too.
These are the Autumn timetables for Year 5.
Please make sure your child always has their P.E. kit in school - we do remind children to take them home at the end of every half-term so they can be washed. Children need black shorts, a white t-shirt, jogging bottoms, pumps and old trainers for outside lessons. Please write your child’s name in all items of clothing.
Please note PE day does change but PE will be on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays - week dependent.
Your child will find their Dyanamite Dojo Project sheet on Google Classroom and below. Once your child has completed a challenge, they are to upload a picture or document to their Google Classroom assignment in order for dojos to be awarded. Homework will be updated half termly and will link to their I Wonder lessons.
Year 5 Stars!
At River View, we love to celebrate our achievements! Every Friday, we attend a celebration assembly in order to find out if we have been a lucky winner! Look below to see the Star
Writer, Maths Superheroes, Richer Champions and Reading Ninjas within our year group.
Current Topic
During the Spring term, our topic will be 'Mexico and the Mayans'. Check back regulary to see what we have been learning about in our afternoon lessons.
Below you can find previous learning
During the first half term, we are going to be using Grammarsaurus to embed the our grammar skills before showing them off in our pieces of writing.
Check back soon for photographs of what we have been learning about!
We are beginning the second year of our maths mastery journey by continuing to use 'Maths - No Problem!' as a teaching tool. It is a very practical, hands-on approach to learning Maths.
During the first Autumn half term, we are learning all about place value and the four operations.
Check back soon for photographs of what we have been learning about!
We take online safety incredibly seriously here at River View and throughout the year, educate the children about the importance of staying safe online and how to do it. There are some websites and images below that you may wish to discuss with your child in order to support their online safety further.
At River View, we follow the 'Good to be Green' system. All children begin the day on green. Children who listen and follow the classroom/school rules and values, stay on green. If children do not, the following applies:
If a 'stop and think' or yellow card is issued, children have ten minutes to correct their behaviour in order to return to green. Restorative conversations will take place if a red card is issued; parents will be notified of red cards either in person/ qctelephone call and a copy of the restorative conversation will be emailed home on the day that the card was issued.
Please consult our behaviour policy in the first instance should you have any further questions.