Home Page

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 class page. Miss Sparrow is the class teacher in Snapdragons class and Miss Martin is the class teacher in Foxgloves class.  We are extremely lucky to have Mrs Farmer, Miss Harvey and Mr Ricketts working with us.

Year 6 would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Brindley who has been the class teacher in Foxgloves during the Autumn and Spring terms. We wish her the best of luck in her new school!




                                       Miss Martin                                      Miss Sparrow





                                    Mrs Farmer             Miss Harvey               Mr Ricketts


Please make sure your child always has their P.E. kit in school - we do remind children to take them home at the end of every half-term so they can be washed. Children need black shorts, a white t-shirt, jogging bottoms, pumps and old trainers for outside lessons. Please write your child’s name in all items of clothing.

Please note that the Year 6 P.E. day has now changed to Wednesdays for the Summer term

Year 6 Spring Term 1 Timetable

Well done Year 6!

Well done and congratulations to Year 6 for being so brilliant during SATs week! You showed so much resilience and we are all very proud of you. Here's to an exciting final half term at River View!



Your child will find their Dyanamite Dojo Project sheet on google classroom and below. Once your child has completed a challenge, they are to upload a picture or document to their google classroom assignment in order for dojos to be awarded. 

We also use dojos in class to award children for positive behaviour and amazing work!

Year 6 Stars!

At River View, we love to celebrate our achievements! Every Friday, we attend a celebration assembly in order to find out if we have been a lucky winner! Look below to see the Star

Writer, Maths Superheroes, Richer Champions, Reading Ninjas and Super Scientists within our year group. 

May Day Parade!



We are following the Maths No Problem education programme in maths this year. During the summer, we will be learning Geometry: Position and Movement and Statistics: Graphs and Averages


We are enjoying our new non fiction reading books. 

Forest School

Summer Topic


Oh no! The Summer Term is going to be a disaster! We are going to be learning all about natural disasters (past and present) all over the world. We will be finding out how they occur and where they are most likely to happen. We will also research famous natural disasters and the impact they had.

Spring Topic


Last term, we learned all about the Vikings! We found out where they invaded and settled in Britain, and what impact they had on the way of life. We also developped our sewing skills, creating cross-stitch patterns based on the Bayeux tapestry.

Children's Mental Health Awareness Week

Children’s Mental Health Week will take place from 5-11 February 2024. The theme this year is ‘My Voice Matters’.

My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves.

When we feel empowered, there’s a positive impact on our wellbeing. Children who feel that their voices are heard and can make a difference have a greater sense of community and self-esteem. This year, we want children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be empowered to work together to create a positive change for their mental health and wellbeing.

During Children’s Mental Health Week, we want all children and young people to be able to say – and believe - “My Voice Matters.”


We have been combining Mental Health awareness week with art.

For safer internet day, we have been looking at how to balance screen time and also how to tackle cyber bullying.

We have been creating posters to share what we have learned about mental health

Autumn Topic


For our Autumn Term Topic, we learned all about the Ancient Greeks. We found out who they were, how they have impacted the modern day and what life was like in Ancient Greece. We also developed our cookery skills and produced lots of yummy Greek food!


The Science of Sport

Animals Including Humans

This half term, we are going to identify the components of blood, describe their functions, and note the different blood groups. We will also explore the structure and function of the human heart and plan an investigation to find out which activity increases my heartrate the most. Finally, we are going to recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way our bodies function.

Evolution and Inheritance

Last half term, we learned all about how animals and humans have adapted to their environment. We also  looked into the work of famous evolution scientists such as Charles Darwin and Mary Anning.

Living Things and Their Habitats

Last half term we investigated living things and their habitats. We looked at classification keys and how to identify and sort a variety of living things and made our own classification keys for sweets and leaves that we collected from outside!



Madame Baker is excited to be teaching French in Year Six. 



Exciting Learning Opportunities

Online Safety

Good To Be Green 

At River View, we follow the good to be green system. All children enter the day on green. Children who listen and follow the classroom/school rules and values, stay on green. If children do not, the following applies:

  • First warning and a reminder. 
  • Stop & think card is issued.
  • Yellow card is issued. 
  • Red card is issued. 

At any time, if behaviour stops then they return to green.

Relevant Internet Links
